Roberto Caporuscio is in fact the chair of APN (Associazione Pizzaiuoli Napoletani/Neapolitan Pizza-makers Assoc.) in the United States, proof that at Kestè pizzas are made exactly as they should be. From the dough to hand-tossing, from the crust edge to a wood-burning oven, everything is precisely as Naples says it should be. The selection follows the same rules: pizzas with or without tomato (gluten-free also available) with the classic toppings, albeit with a few creative options; calzones, salads, caprese (sliced mozzarella and tomatoes), quattro formaggi pizza, macellaio pizzathe butcher pizza and a few delectable sfizi nibbles. Panini are also available at lunchtime. We reccomended focaccia barese, poza panino with two types of cheese, artichokes, zucchine.
The best pizzerias are marked with 1,2,3 'spicchi' according to their quality grades.