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Italian version
Extra virgin olive oil

Olio Dante


After being sold to foreign companies the brand returned to Italy in 2009, purchased by Oleifici Mataluni (which includes Dante, Oio, Olita, Topazio and Vero). The Sommo Poeta label came home, and not long after, production was moved to Montesarchio (Benevento) in a modern plant equipped with a highly specialized laboratory for quality control and a research centre for developing oil materials and innovative packaging (Criol).This is the most recent history but the older part dates back to 1849 when Andrea Costa started trading in oil in Genoa with cargo ships and were the forerunners of the famous Costa Crociere liners. The name was coined to association oil with Italy. The leading products are 100% extra virgin olive oil and Terre Antiche, alongside the seed oils with added vitamins.

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