Hibu was founded in 2007, when Raimondo, Lorenzo and Tommaso began brewing professionally. Today Hibu, which is situated in Brianza, proudly invokes the term agricolo' when talking about their products, inasmuch as the grains (and soon hops) utilized are cultivated directly on their private terrain in Lombardy and Basilicata. In October 2017 the three partners received a proposal from Dibevit (a company with ties to the Heineken group) and decided to accept, though they've maintained their original roles in terms of production and commercialization. Their selection is wide-ranging, with more than 20 beers offered, and spans various brewing traditions, from Belgian to Anglo-Saxon and German, giving rise to top and bottom-fermented, clean, balanced beers. In addition to their brewery in Brianza, they own two pubs, one in Concorezzo and the other in Cernusco Lombardone. But their experience has also led them abroad, some time ago they opened Il Locale' in Copenhagen.