Founded by Lino Albiero in 1938 and transformed from an artisanal dairy producer to an industrial one in the 1980s, Albiero was among the first in Italy to produce PDO Provole Valpadana. Using milk provided directly from trusted farms, whose goal is to achieve quality while protecting animal welfare, they produce both sweet and sharp Provolone Valpadana (PDO and uncertified). Their cheeses come in various sizes and shapes: classic 'sausage' shapes (the 'pancetta' and larger 'pancettone') and spherical (pear shaped, mandarin and the eye-catching 'pezzatura a mandarone'). These are then aged and packaged at their Lonigo facilities, in Vicenza province. They also select and distribute Parmigiano Reggiano, Grana Padano, pecorino, Montasio, scamorza, provola, mozzarella and butter.