The Various Expressions of Trebbiano in the Best Labels Under 20 Euros

Jan 24 2024, 14:09
Trebbiano is a grape variety widely planted throughout our peninsula, yielding wines that vary greatly. Here are the best labels from Northern and Central Italy with an affordable price.

It's easy to say Trebbiano! But which Trebbiano? The one from Abruzzo? The Tuscan one? The one from Spoleto? The one from Lugana? Let's try to bring some clarity then. When there are so many differentiations, it's generally because the origins of the grape are ancient. Trebbiano adheres to this practice. If we want to believe the information that comes to us from antiquity, Pliny the Elder, in the 1st century AD, spoke of a vinum trebulanum, not so much to indicate the grape from which it originated but rather a farmhouse, rustic, homemade wine.

Whatever the etymology, what seems certain is that Trebbiano is one of the oldest pieces in the ampelographic mosaic of our country. And, of course, it is also one of the most widespread grapes: from north to south, practically, we find it in almost all regions, and where the grape has played a key role, it has added to its name the adjective indicating its origin.

For example, there's the case of Trebbiano d'Abruzzo, whose differentiation from other Trebbiano was noted in 1906. Or the Tuscan Trebbiano, also called procanico, spread between Tuscany and Umbria. In Umbria, we find another branch of the family, Trebbiano Spoletino, mainly cultivated between Spoleto and Montefalco, already described in ampelography texts from 1878. Leaving central Italy and moving to the north, there's Trebbiano di Lugana, or Trebbiano di Soave (which, however, brings us back to the center, as it is closely related to verdicchio). And then there's Trebbiano from Modena, from Romagna, the yellow one. In short, navigating this dense forest of nuances is not easy, especially since genetic studies conducted year after year sometimes confirm, sometimes overturn established theories. However, if we want to move from theory to practice, here is a list of wines reviewed in the Gambero Rosso Berebene 2024 guide with ratings exceeding 90 points and costing less than 20 euros: all are made with Trebbiano grapes and come from the mentioned regions.

The Best Value Trebbiano Wines in the Gambero Rosso Berebene 2024 Guide

The following is a brief list of Trebbiano wines: these are the labels reviewed in the Gambero Rosso Berebene 2024 guide that have received ratings exceeding 90 points and cost less than 20 euros.

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