The 3 best ice cream parlors in Parma chosen by Gambero Rosso

May 10 2024, 12:26
There are three ice cream parlors in Parma awarded by our latest Gelaterie d'Italia guide. One has received the Tre Coni, the highest rating

In Parma these days, Cibus is underway, the trade fair dedicated to the agri-food sector from May 7th to 10th, 2024. If you want to take a quick break, here are the best ice cream parlors in town according to our latest Gelaterie d'Italia guide.

The best ice cream parlors in Parma


Gelateria Banchini

An ancient sign of excellence in the chocolate industry, founded in 1879, and only recently entered the world of ice cream, keeping faith with the prestigious reputation, starting from research on ingredients, both on quality and on local origins wherever possible. Everything is homemade, including variegates and pastes of dried fruit (hazelnut, pistachio, almonds). Classic flavors are not lacking, delicious and soft in texture, milk-based. But it is especially in the creations of the very young Alessia Palmitessa that the most intense emotions are experienced: zabaglione with Marsala Intorcia Heritage 2004 and Ecuadorian cocoa mass, Duchess's Biscuit, variations on chocolate, the house specialty, in particular Fondente 1879, with very high-quality cocoa beans. Also interesting are the experiments with typical aromatic plants of the territory (Erba Luigia or Violetta di Parma) and edible flowers (lavender, elderflower, jasmine). Lactose-free sorbets are also available. Professional and precise service.

via La Spezia, 121 – 0521 1759814 -


Stefano Guizzetti has always focused on eliminating all those unnecessary ingredients that tradition took for granted. His research boasts extraordinary results and offers one of the best ice creams you can taste (not surprisingly, Ciacco has also obtained the Tre Coni this year). The selection of ingredients is made with care, favoring organic products. Creams such as fruit flavors offer creaminess and delicacy, enhancing the flavor of each ingredient. Several sorbets are available, including those for intolerant people. Research on memory led this year to the flavor inspired by the "land of the Apennines", distilled and then flavored. The creation of ice creams by combining fruits from plants of the same botanical family, giving rise to unusual flavors such as sorbet with laurel, cinnamon, and avocado, is interesting. Not to be missed are the flavors made with food waste, ethical and good, such as mango with peels recovered at the end of the harvest and the flavor with viennoiserie scraps, with notes of yeast, flour, and butter. Two other locations: in Piazza della Steccata 1A and in Milan (via Spadari) where the laboratory has also been moved (via Botticelli 30).

via Mentana, 91a – 0521 570208 -

La Gelateria

Almost half a century of history makes this place one of the great classics of the city, offering from 36 to 40 flavors depending on the period, creating ice creams with delicate textures and strong flavors, alongside a wide choice of traditional flavors some whims born from seasonal productions and classics of the territory. In autumn, for example, here is the interesting pumpkin with Parmesan cheese and amaretti, or gorgonzola with honey and walnuts. The choice of transforming classic desserts into ice cream, such as apple pie with pine nuts and raisins or banana cake with crumble and chocolate, is intriguing. The offer also includes various single portions and semifreddo, including moretti, cannoli, biscuits, and various flavors of canestrini. Own production of granite and popsicles in summer, replaced in winter with pancakes, waffles, and hot chocolate. Good attention to allergies and intolerances.

piazza Vittorio Emanuele II, 17b – 051 484557

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