Annalisa Zordan

The best restaurants for dining al fresco in Bologna

Bologna is known for its covered porticoes, but also its outdoor dining in graceful courtyards or gardens. Here are the best restaurants for dining al fresco.

From Farm to Fork. Pros and cons of the new European farming strategy

What are the advantages and critical points of the new European From Farm to Fork strategy. Sustainability is great, but imports from third party countries need regulations and flexibility.

What will happen in the Twenties in food and wine?

How do you see the future of the food and wine sector? Here are a few thoughts about the next decade.

Noma in Copenaghen. The menu Vegetable Season, dish by dish

We visited the new Noma (which has now celebrated a year) as soon as it opened, also trying to trace a sort of alphabet of Nordic cuisine. We're now presenting the current menu, Vegetable Season, dish by dish.

Edible straws: the new plastic free cocktails

From Canù edible straws to the anti-straw bartender movement. Many are moving towards a plastic free future.

Gluten Freak. Pop-up bakery in Milan

A pop-up bakery that showcases croissants, pain au chocolat, grilled cheese sandwichesand other leavened products in Milan. It's called Gluten Freak, a project by Laura Lazzaroni and Paolo Minguzzi.

Peruvian cuisine, the key to success

Peruvian cuisine is now known and appreciated worldwide. But how did the country gain this big success? Story and evolution of Peru's gastronomy.

Up and coming chefs. Andrea Leali and Michelangelo Mammoliti

The four-handed dinner at Casa Leali in Puegnago sul Garda was an opportunity to learn more about the two emerging Chefs for our Ristoranti d'Italia guide, Andrea Leali and Michelangelo Mammoliti.

Mulinum in San Floro. The agriculture start-up that produces wheat, flour, bread and pizza

We interviewed Stefano Caccavari, the mastermind behind Mulinum, a Calabrian start up that recovers local grains and stone mills.

Durian, the world's most ill-smelling tropical fruit

It's one of the most ill-smelling products in the whole world, but in Asia it is considered as a real specialty. We tried durian at the Chinatown market in Singapore and here are our comments.
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