Clara Barra

Where to eat "moeche" from Chioggia to Venice. The 10 best restaurants chosen by Gambero Rosso

Chioggia is considered the Italian capital of fishing. And it is precisely from here that we want to start a small gourmet itinerary dedicated to "moeche," exquisite crabs found in front of the Chioggia shores, in the Venetian lagoon

Where to eat Paniscia in Novara: the 6 best restaurants selected by Gambero Rosso

Not to be confused with Vercelli's panissa, paniscia, a symbol of Novarese culinary tradition, is a risotto enriched with savoy cabbage, beans, salame della duja, onion, local red wine, and butter

Where to eat Ternana Ciriole in Terni: the 8 best restaurants chosen by Gambero Rosso

Ciriole are a type of fresh pasta made with water and flour, whose name comes from the Latin "cereus," meaning white like wax, as they are made without eggs. The classic dressing is a simple tomato sauce with garlic, parsley,...

Where to eat Baccalà alla Vicentina in Vicenza: the 8 best restaurants chosen by Gambero Rosso

At the foothills of the Berici Hills, just over 2 hours from Milan, Vicenza, famous primarily for Palladio's architectural masterpieces, is a true gem—a human-scale city perfect for exploring, even by bicycle

The best hotel breakfasts in Milan. Here are 8 addresses chosen by Gambero Rosso

Five-star breakfasts! The best breakfast experiences in Milan hotels also open to the public

Where to eat Anconetana-style stockfish in Ancona. The 7 best restaurants chosen by Gambero Rosso

Recognized as a traditional agri-food product in Italy, it is a symbol of the local culinary tradition. It requires high-quality stockfish and a long, patient cooking process

Where to eat "spaghetti alla chitarra" in L'Aquila: the 7 best restaurants chosen by Gambero Rosso

The "chitarra," a symbol of traditional Aquilan cuisine, is a square-sectioned egg pasta made using the "chitarra," a stringed culinary tool. The condiments vary, ranging from the classic ragù to more imaginative sauces

The best hotel breakfasts in Rome. Here are 8 addresses chosen by Gambero Rosso

For once, instead of a quick coffee, treat yourself to some time for breakfast in a hotel. It's an experience that deserves it

Where to eat missoltini in Lecco: the 7 best restaurants chosen by Gambero Rosso

They are still a little-known delicacy, and unfortunately, it is becoming increasingly rare to find them on restaurant menus. We're talking about missoltini, salted and dried agoni (lake fish)

Where to eat Valdostana Fondue in Aosta: the 7 best restaurants chosen by Gambero Rosso

It is one of the most typical preparations in the regional repertoire, featuring one of the excellences known even beyond borders, the PDO Fontina, a soft-textured cheese produced with milk fragrant with alpine herbs and flowers
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