Giorgia Meloni attempts to reassure: "An escalation benefits no one. I have already told the US President." Meanwhile, additional tariffs have already been imposed on Canada, Mexico, and China
During the event at the Capitoline Hill, Italian representatives in Brussels reassured producers about the alerts requested by the EU Commission, but industry associations are calling for greater attention: "An overly ideological approach."
The Consortium is ready to fly to Paris alongside the other Lake consortia: "A synergy exclusively linked to Vinexpo-Wine Paris," clarifies President Paolo Fiorini
The analysis by Unione Italiana Vini highlights a drop of between 13% and 17% in the value of wine exports. Frescobaldi: "Inflation will also penalise consumers."
The Future of Chianti According to Saverio Galli Torrini: "Lower alcohol content? We’ll see. In the meantime, we are aiming for Gran Selezione by the end of the year." And this spring, a major travelling event in the city
The amendment to the regulations also includes a low-alcohol variety under 11 degrees. President Albino Armani outlines the plans to win over Gen Z and Italian consumers
According to researchers from Changins, there are no consistent benefits to using preparations 500 and 501. This raises questions about the logic of spending 10–15% more to follow the Steiner method
On the subject of so-called "Nolos" (non-alcoholic and low-alcohol wines), the renowned Tuscan winemaker reveals a long-term perspective: "They could serve as a safeguard against vineyard uprooting."
According to the Master of Wine, it is the "hedonistic satisfaction" that is in crisis, not wine itself. This is why denominations like Champagne, which built their appeal on ostentatious luxury, are struggling the mostAccording to the Master of Wine,...