Luca Cesari

Forget Carbonara; the real Roman dish is Penne alla Vodka. Gambero Rosso's investigation unveils the origin of the recipe

The genius of a great Italian chef is behind Penne alla Vodka, one of the most iconic dishes of the 1980s. A worldwide success that, however, we have erased in Italy

Carbonara from 1954, the first recipe for Rome's iconic dish (which comes from Milan and is made with garlic)

Garlic, gorgonzola and pancetta: this is how the first Carbonara was according to the (Milan) recipe of 1954: made and tested for you live by Luca Cesari

Carbonara: history, origins and anecdotes of a legendary recipe

Starting from the historical cookbooks, the first example of mixing eggs and pasta is in “Il cuoco galante” by Neapolitan Vincenzo Corrado, printed in 1773. Here's the history of the iconic Italian carbonara.

Frappe. History, origin and anecdotes of a centuries-old recipe

Chiacchiere, crostoli, bugie, cenci, frappe, galani. All descending from a single and unequivocal ancestor, which dates back to the Renaissance. Here is the story of the Italian Carnevale specialty.
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