Not only pizza and sandwiches: to be shared with colleagues, the office lunch break is above all a way to relax and unwind by enjoying good food, even better if brought from home.
Once a must in the homes of Italians, liqueurs too are back in vogue during quarantine, thanks to the large amount of time available to prepare homemade dishes and beverages. History, recipes and anecdotes about traditional Italian products.
The Italian pastry and dessert range is wide and complex, it is not easy to choose a one dessert that's symbolic for each territory: we have gathered the most representative and typical of family-style lunches.
There are vegetable honeys produced without the work of bees, but above all there are syrups derived from plants, maple and agave in the lead. Here is everything you need to know about alternatives to honey as sweeteners.
Not just hummus and salads: with legumes you can prepare original, colourful, inviting but above all quick and easy dishes. Here are some suggestions for a rich and tasty vegetable-based menu.
Preparing tomato passata in summer is an Italian tradition, but also for fruit there are several safe methods to preserve its aromas and characteristics.
It's the last month to stock up on tomatoes and aubergines, and above all to prepare preserves for the winter. But fear not: figs, grapes and soon the first pumpkins will brighten up the table.