The idea of Sebastian Dupont is to showcase Neapolitan pizza and its suppliers. From the atmosphere to the service, the spirit of Neapolitan pizza is part of the menu: seven pizzas on the menu, almost all classic, with a wood-fired...
Neapolitan pizza is definitely one of the most popular Italian foods in Tokyo. It is no coincidence, therefore, finding numerous pizzerias worthy of note in town. An example of these is Savoy, a very small local seating a dozen guests,...
“The Collalto story is about a passion and love for wine that began more than one thousand years ago and continues today.” Princess Isabella Collalto de Croӱ, eldest daughter of Prince Manfredo Collalto, described the feelings that motivate her family...
A temple for wine lovers, a gathering place for specialists, a setting for intense conversations about bottles: this is Ferrowine, a wine shop in Castelfranco Veneto, in Italy’s north.
Marco Simonit and Pierpaolo Sirch, grape pruners from Friuli, have made their mark in France. In Bordeaux, the great Chateaux saw their vines dying and called out for help.