Stefania Annese

Top Italian Restaurants in Chicago

Chicago hosts some of the most talented Italian chefs in the US, who pair their cuisine with grand wine lists. In the home of Chicago style Deep Pizza there’s a growth of first-rate Neapolitan pizzerias, with especially built ovens and...

Top Italian Restaurants in Mexico City

Italian restaurants in Mexico City have shifted gear. They’re getting better and better every month. They’re moving towards more innovative menus with regional dishes, expertly-run pizzerias, new formats, and fine-dining locales ready to defy clichés. Check our list and choose...

'O Munaciello

Without doubt one of the best Neapolitan pizzas in the United States, thanks to the experience gained in Florence, where everything started. Located in the MiMo district, 'O Munaciello offers a genuine offer as far as both flavours and atmosphere,...

Top Italian Restaurants in London

London hosts a rising number of great Italian restaurants. Each has its own character, and many are very original. Looking over 3,000 locations in the capital, we see that most have left behind the checked tablecloths, mandolins and cutlet-with-spaghetti-as-a-side-dish of...

Theo Randall

We've tried many Italian restaurants run by British chefs and without a doubt Theo Randall's is one of the most convincing to date. The setting is elegant, housed in the Intercontinental Hotel. Among the appetizers we recommend the Roman style...

Osteria Napoletana

Home cooking in the heart of Notting Hill. From the experience of Osteria Romana, Reitano has put together solid traditional Neapolitan cuisine with ancient and super classic recipes, proposed without too many frills and reinterpretations. The appetizers include eggplant parmigiana...

Top Italian Restaurants in Paris

There's an increasing number of successful Italian restaurants in the French capital, but far removed from the stereotypes of classical Italian gastronomy. Think mini-bistros, restaurants with annexed extraordinary pasta labs and gourmet pizzerias in which wine plays a starring role....

IDA par Denny Imbroisi

When Italians move abroad, they hold tight to family ties. Michele Farnesi, for example, dedicated his Parisian restaurant, Dilia, to his grandparents. Denny Imbroisi, 30 years old, calls his place Ida, named for his older sister. Born in Calabria, Imbroisi...


Of the many Armani restaurants we tried around the world––from Tokyo to Dubai––that this is certainly the most complete and rigorous as far as ingredients go as well as in cleanliness of flavours. This is a one-way trip to Italy....

Osteria Ferrara

Osteria Ferrara is a certainty for Parisian gourmets, a point of reference for fans of Italian cuisine. Over the years Sicilian native chef Fabrizio Ferrara, has managed to make simple dishes, marrying a simple, traditional and sincere style, made of...
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