Food producer


In Cremona, Enea Sperlari opened a shop for artisanal production and sale of typical traditional local specialities: nougat and fruit relish. That was in 1836 and the products were a huge success, so by the end of the century the...

Strega Alberti

Giuseppe Alberti, father of Strega liqueur, opened a café in the main square of Benevento, which would become the meeting place for liberal thinkers of the period. He began producing Strega in 1860, and it was named for the legend...


Valsoia is a reassuringly constant presence among Italian food manufacturers. For years it has been at the forefront in terms of quality and identifying new products capable of satisfying the increasingly health-conscious tastes of consumers. It has made a name...


The trademark shows 1882 as the year in which the adventure began. Domenico Vergnano opened a small grocery store in Chieri, a small town at the foot of the Turin hills. In just a few years it developed into coffee...


Maria Zuegg founded her company over a century ago, making fruit juices and jams. In 1890 she began selling apples, which she exported as far as Saint Petersburg. In 1923 came the first jam production, which was very successful on...

Cedral Tassoni

Who doesn't know Tassoni cedrata? Made fashionable during the 1970s by virtue of a famous advert featuring pop star Mina, it's a particularly popular beverage during Italy's hot, summer months. Thanks to a resurgence in vintage drinks, cedrata is enjoying...


Venice, 1911. Angelo Colussi opened his first artisan workshop, a bakery making only bread at first, but soon specializing in baicoli, the city's traditional biscuit. In the 1930s his children took over the business and started a transition to an...

Aceto Ponti

In 1867, Giovanni Ponti, farmer and wine and vinegar producer, began business in Sizzano, in the Novara area. In 1911, son Antonio received the diploma of honour for wines and vinegars at the Paris international fair. In 1939 the company...


At age 25 Luigi Lavazza left Monferrato and moved to Turin, never imagining that his name would one day be famous. In 1895 he took over a grocery shop and soon decided to focus on coffee, creating his own blend....


Giovanni Rana began working as a child in his family bakery but in 1961 he began his own production of tortellini, in a small production facility in San Giovanni Lupatoto, near Verona. At the beginning they were only made to...
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