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Tre Bicchieri 2022 Previews. The best wines of Marche

Winner previews of Gambero Rosso Vini d'Italia 2022 guide continue. Today we land in Marche, to reveal the wines that have conquered the Tre Bicchieri top recognition.

Tre Bicchieri 2022 Previews. The best wines of Trentino and Ticino

Trentino stands out as a true bulwark of regional tradition, one that has established itself internationally. Here are the best wines of Trentino and Ticino.

Tre Bicchieri 2022 Previews. The best wines of Sardinia

Reds undoubtedly lead the way, not so much in terms of production volumes (they're more or less equal with the whites) as in quality. Here are the Tre Bicchieri 2022 in Sardinia.

Ancient rice beer found in China: 9000-year-old remains at a burial site

Another significant discovery for the brewing industry: ancient rice beer pots have been found in south-east China at a burial site.

Berlin goes vegetarian: (almost) meat-free menus in university canteens

Students are clamouring for vegan options in the canteens and the university is accommodating them. Here's how menus are changing in Berlin.

The best specialty coffees in Naples

There are only two niche bars that have decided to bring the concept of specialty coffee - filter coffee and, more in general, quality coffee - to Naples, home of the "tazzulella." But they are doing a great job: here's...

Street food in Naples: the best sandwiches

Stuffed with classic ragù or with eggplant parmigiana, with braised octopus "alla luciana" or with braciole: these are the best sandwiches in Naples and surroundings.

The best international street food in Milan: 6 places to try

One of the Italian cities where international cuisine is most rooted, in Milan there is plenty of choice for lovers of exotic flavours. Here are the must-taste foreign street foods.

The best gelaterias in Rome

Natural, additive-free, seasonal and creative: this is how today's proper artisan gelato must be. Here's where to find the best in Rome.

Chickpea flour: properties, uses in cooking and delicious recipes to make at home

Those who follow a vegan diet probably already know: chickpea flour is a more versatile and tasty ingredient than you might imagine. That's why we decided to take it a step further with an online cookbook. From omelettes to brownies...
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