The Chef of the Year is Antonio Mermolia, in Washington DC; the Restaurant of the Year is LA Puglia, in California; the Pizzeria of the Year is located on the shores of Lake Zurich; Napulè, is the best wine list...
According to some torrone was born in ancient Rome, others say it came from China through the Arabs: in any case, today it is one of the most popular Italian Christmas dessert.
Delectably vintage, marrons glacés were a hit at aristocratic banquets in the 18th century. But who invented them? Who makes them today? Here are some interesting facts about the product.
October, time for chestnuts, pumpkin and apples. And mushrooms, a seasonal specialty available in many varieties, which in the kitchen can take on a thousand shades. Here's everything you need to know.
It is time to let aubergines and peaches go and welcome chestnuts, mushrooms and the first cruciferous vegetables. Here's what you need in your shopping cart in October.
An immoderate passion for British cuisine led Regula Ysewijn to dedicate several books to it. The latest one published in Italy is all about a speciality that tells the country’s history: pudding.