Flambéed and sweet in France, layered and baked in Hungary, cut into strips and coated with powdered sugar in Austria: this is how crêpes are made around the world.
Not only pizza and sandwiches: to be shared with colleagues, the office lunch break is above all a way to relax and unwind by enjoying good food, even better if brought from home.
The Italian pastry and dessert range is wide and complex, it is not easy to choose a one dessert that's symbolic for each territory: we have gathered the most representative and typical of family-style lunches.
Thai Hom Mali Rice is one of Thailand treasures. A rice variety that is one of kind at the centre of the culture and the cuisine of the country. But the use of this long-grain rice is more than just...
There are vegetable honeys produced without the work of bees, but above all there are syrups derived from plants, maple and agave in the lead. Here is everything you need to know about alternatives to honey as sweeteners.
In classic sfogliatelle it's mixed with ricotta but in many countries it's used as the absolute protagonist for desserts boasting unique flavors. Here's how to use semolina in pastry making.
A rich snack, able to bring sustenance to men and women during hard work in the fields. History and tradition of the Abruzzo native "sdijuno," the 11 o'clock meal.