Impastiamo is a young American company created by Silvia Carluccio to support American chefs during the first lockdown. Following the project's success, online cooking lessons continued but the proceeds now go to different charities. On the 22nd it’s for the...
Are tortellini an untouchable recipe? In the April issue of the Gambero Rosso monthly magazine we compared the opinions of chefs, dividing them between purists and innovators.
More or less sweet, with elegant floral and red fruit notes: introducing cascara, an infusion prepared starting from the dried husks of the coffee drupe, to be enjoyed hot or cold. All the details here.
In Lecce “caffè con ghiaccio” is a sacred ritual. The inventor is Antonio Quarta, but the beverage’s roots plunge deep in antiquity and far from the Italian peninsula. Vietnam to Australia, the history of the Puglia beverage.
An iconic figure until the 1970s, the British milkman had ended up becoming a thing of the past. But the pandemic has brought back the door-to-door milk delivery service, for practical reasons, sustainability and affection.
Four months of suspension of duties launched by the Trump government to start a new confrontation between the EU and the US in the Biden era. Made in Italy gains, especially in the dairy sector. But more troubles are looming...