EN News in Evidenza

Milan's 5 best food delivery services to try

Home shopping can be a great help for those who do not have much free time but still do not want to give up on quality food. Here are five must-try delivery services in Milan.

Champagne: a growing passion

According to Future Market Insights, the turnover of bubbles will grow also thanks to the Asian markets. Meanwhile, new tools arrive from the Comité to ensure market balance

Palazzo Ripetta. New 5 star hotel with the pastry art of Giuseppe Solfrizzi

In the wholly Roman ferment of hôtellerie, outsider Palazzo Ripetta plays its cards well, with the great patisserie of Giuseppe Solfrizzi.

6 books on veganism to read this summer

To get closer to anti-speciesism, it may be useful to read some books on the topic: here are the ones we selected to understand more about veganism.

Coffee: 10 false myths to dispel on the beverage most loved by Italians

In Italy, coffee is a cult. But how much do we really know about this product? We retraced some of the most discussed issues in recent years and, together with the Italian Specialty Coffee Association, discredited 10 false beliefs about...

All about garlic: properties, benefits, types and recipes

When fresh, garlic has a sweet and fruity taste, as it dries, the flavour becomes more aggressive and spicy. In any case, this bulb is good for our health.

American cuisine: typical dishes and recipes to replicate at home

From pulled pork to lobster roll, stuffed turkey and apple pie: here are 10 United States specialties to try.

Rare Wines. Two pearls from Isola del Giglio and Capri

The small islands of the Mediterranean offer little-known and highly original wines. We have chosen for you the newly born from Fontuccia, Giovacchino, produced on Isola del Giglio and the very original Capri Bianco from the small winery Scala Fenicia

Grappa, the Italian distilled beverage par excellence

From waste product to national liqueur, grape residue brandy has its origins in the Middle Ages. Here is a compendium to gain access in the magical world of grappa, populated by stills and present day "alchemists" as well as the...

Reducing meat: 5 tips to eat more plant-based food

It is time to rethink our diet and introduce more vegan food in our daily life. Climate change is real and we can all help fighting it with a few actions. Starting at the table.
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