EN News in Evidenza

Tre Bicchieri 2022 Previews. The best wines of Sicily

Winner previews of Gambero Rosso Vini d'Italia 2022 guide continue. Today we land in Sicily, to reveal the wines that have conquered the Tre Bicchieri top recognition.

Tre Bicchieri 2022 Previews. The best wines of Calabria and Basilicata

Those who think that there are no more new wine territories to discover in Italy would do well to take a tour of Calabria. But we can also find great wines in Basilicata: here are all the Tre Bicchieri.

Pizza scima, the Abruzzo yeast-free pizza recipe

Fast, easy, very tasty: pizza scima is the perfect bread product for a last-minute dinner. This is how this Abruzzo specialty was born.

Shennongjia Nature Reserve. In China there's a sanctuary for the protection of wild bees

A place dedicated entirely to bees, designed for their repopulation and protection, a rocky wall that can only be accessed by beekeepers via a strenuous climb. Here's the whole story of the wild bee sanctuary in China.

Klainguti to reopen in Genoa with Marco Rinella and Michel Paquier

A pastry shop that has made the history of Genoese confectionery art, it is now preparing to reopen thanks to two top-notch pastry chefs.

Destination Abruzzo. Abruzzo explained to Americans by an Italian blogger

She began by telling the Italians about America, but today Angela is committed to making Abruzzo known in the States. With the help of her husband she has devised a digital project that organizes trips and online experiences, as well...

Gargano: what and where to eat in Peschici, Vieste and the Tremiti Islands

At the table, Italy's largest promontory brings out the best of a flourishing and generous territory. Here's what to taste (and where) in the villages of the Gargano, a natural oasis in the north of Puglia.

Temporary shops by Pastiglie Leone candies: First stop is Milan, at Palazzo Laugier

The unmistakable design and pastel colours, the atmosphere of yesteryear and timeless charm: the magic of Pastiglie Leone candies travels through Italy with pop-up shops. The first, present until December 31 will be at Palazzo Laugier in Milan.

Denis Lovatel's pizzas with wild herbs at the Rosa Alpina restaurant

Low salt dough, flavoured with a mix of dried and blended wild herbs, combined with local raw materials. Here are the new pizzas by Lovatel at the Rosa Alpina restaurant.

Darlington Market: street food sold in one of the UK's oldest covered markets

Pizza, burgers, wraps and goulash: it's all available at the renovated Darlington covered market, one of the oldest in the UK. A historic place that after more than 200 years changes its skin and becomes dedicated to street food.
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