EN News in Evidenza

Urban orchards and biodiversity in Ostuni, from the Middle Ages to the present

A legacy of medieval gardens that are now back to life and produce: here's the story of The Gardens of the Grata in Ostuni.

Global Brooklyn, the book on the origins and success of contemporary style coffee shops

From Rio to Melbourne, by way of Cape Town and Mumbai: the new book by Fabio Parasecoli explains the development of the style of contemporary eateries, coffee shops.

Week of Italian cuisine in the world. The advantages of the Mediterranean diet according to Luca Piretti

First of all grains, vegetables and legumes, followed by everything else. Some physical activity and rest are also needed: this is why it's important to reconsider the model of the Mediterranean diet.

The situation of the public sector in Europe: Fipe’s comparison on restrictions and aids

The Italian Federation of Public Exercises compiles a document that is the result of a comparative analysis between the main European countries on the situation in the restaurant sector in recent months. That’s what emerges

Top Italian Wines Roadshow. La Valentina and the ‘atomic’ Montepulciano

Abruzzo's most powerful ally? Montepulciano! Here is the style of the La Valentina winery.

Week of the Italian cuisine in the world. Meet Jesper Blomqvist from Stockholm

Let's meet Jesper Blomqvist from 450 Gradi pizzeria in Stockholm!

René Redzepi’s sandwiches in Copenhagen: from the Noma to the Popl burger bar

Popl, from the Latin popolus, is nothing more than a stable concretization of the concept conceived the day after the first lockdown in the garden of the Noma. Here's the latest invention by Redzepi.

Vinitaly 2021 will take place. But in early summer

Vinitaly will be held in early summer: here's why.

The products of the hive. Properties and uses of pollen, royal jelly and propolis

Natural anti-inflammatory, bee products are valuable sources of nutrients useful to the body of children and adults. Here’s how they come about and how to use them best.

Candy. The business of sugar, between industry and craft

The technicolor universe of candy is difficult to classify and has infinite local and global variations. See who makes them and invents them in Italy.
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