EN News in Evidenza

Wine buy of the month: Montefalco Rosso Riserva '15 by Antonelli San Marco

Complex, elegant and fine: here's Montefalco Rosso Riserva '15 by Antonelli, a great wine which goes perfectly with fettuccine bolognese.

Vino 4.0 Conference and the first ever Guida Enoteche d’Italia, Italy’s Wine Shop Guide

Everything is ready for the Vino 4.0 Conference. Expected in Rome are the major representatives of large-scale retail trade, and the most important e-commerce and international trade realities, plus some of the best sommeliers.

Black strawberries are reborn in Liguria thanks to the Agriturismo farmhouse Monaci Templari

Among the most loved fruits, strawberries will no longer be closely linked to the spring season: a Seborga an agriturismo farmhouse is in fact reviving the ancient cultivation of black strawberries.

Tour of Lake Como to understand the reasons for the gourmet trend

It all started with George Clooney. Who would have expected it? In a placid, quiet area, suitable for families or maybe elderly couples, arrives the Hollywood star, he buys a villa and from that moment on is a veritable invasion...

The best Christmas markets in Tuscany

In the little wooden houses at Christmas markets are many perfect gift ideas to put under the tree, but also exceptional gastronomic products. Here are the must-visit ones in Tuscany.

Cooking on TV. 70 years of history from Mario Soldati to Gambero Rosso Channel

The whole history of cooking on TV from post-WWII to Masterchef, via Gambero Rosso Channel.

Italian espresso coffee candidate for UNESCO Heritage. What's in the future of the cup?

Known and appreciated all over the world, Italian espresso is a candidate to become an Intangible Heritage of Humanity. Good news, but it's useful to read it critically

Cosmic Crisp, the new American apple variety that keeps for a year

As a snack, for breakfast, after meals or used in desserts: apples are among the most loved fruits ever. In Washington scientists have created a new variety, capable of lasting over a year in the refrigerator.

Bugan Coffee Lab, from Bergamo to Livigno:specialty coffee shop news

It would seem to be the highest micro roaster in Europe, surely the first in Livigno, an elite ski destination that for some time now also has a designer café, thanks to the work of Maurizio Valli and his team....

Bee_nfluencer, the Instagram star in defense of biodiversity

Her name is B., her Instagram profile is Bee_nfluencer features in great detail what the good practices are for bee preservation. Plus, she's a real web star.
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