EN News in Evidenza

Noma in Copenaghen. The menu Vegetable Season, dish by dish

We visited the new Noma (which has now celebrated a year) as soon as it opened, also trying to trace a sort of alphabet of Nordic cuisine. We're now presenting the current menu, Vegetable Season, dish by dish.

The Best Chef Awards 2019. Ranking born on social media reveals its top 100: first place goes to Bjorn Frantzen

One hundred chefs selected primarily by the chefs themselves, called to vote for their colleagues; and then ranked with an online vote. The top 100 of The Best Chef Awards on the Barcelona red carpet. Sweden wins, many in Spain....

Caffè Panna in New York. Hallie Meyer’s latest gelateria, a homage to Rome and Italy

The surname is known: Hallie Meyer is the daughter of Danny Meyer, a world-famous New York restaurateur, particularly tied to Rome and Italian cuisine. And so his daughter, who after a period of training in the the Eternal City, is...

Tre Bicchieri 2020 Preview. The 23 best wines of Campania

Previews of Gambero Rosso Vini d'Italia 2020 guide continue. Today it’s the turn of Campania.

Tre Bicchieri 2020 Preview. The 26 best wines of Friuli Venezia Giulia

Previews of Gambero Rosso Vini d'Italia 2020 guide continue. Today we are in Friuli Venezia Giulia.

Tre Bicchieri 2020 preview. The 14 best wines of Umbria

The previews of wines awarded by the Vini d'Italia 2020 guide of Gambero Rosso continue. Today it’s the turn of Umbria.

Tre Bicchieri 2020 Preview. The best 7 wines of Lazio

The previews of wines awarded by the Vini d'Italia 2020 guide of Gambero Rosso continue. Today it’s the turn of Lazio.

Tre Bicchieri 2020 preview. The best 21 wines of the Marche

The previews of wines awarded by the Vini d'Italia 2020 guide of Gambero Rosso continue. Today it’s the turn of the Marche region

The 3 best ginger beers

Ginger beer can be mixed with all kinds of spirits: here are some tasting tips and our list of the top three brands in the world.

Vinum Insulae on Elba. Making wine like the ancient Greeks did 2,500 years ago

A winemaker and a Professor of viticulture recreated the wine of the ancient Greeks of the island of Chio: here's Vinum Insulae.
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