As part of one of the most popular breakfasts around the world, the starring role is played by the croissant and coffee pairing, a tradition that became popular thanks to the French, but which has its roots in Austria. Today...
"Not an obligation, but an opportunity". This is how Manetti, Consorzio’s President, explains the new project which took over eight years to see the light and will affect 6% of Gallo Nero production.
Fresh, aged, blue-veined: the goat cheeses from this farm in Pacentro, in the province of L'Aquila, are all good and handcrafted by a local family. A young mountain enthusiast tells the story.
Bakers, kiosks, psnini joints: Rome guards many small places dedicated to street food, which here plunges its roots in the most ancient history. Here is a list of the must street foods of the Eternal City
The referendum on 13 June was voted down by more than 60%, despite the ongoing debate on the importance of encouraging healthy and environmentally friendly food production.