EN News in Evidenza

The natural and sparkling push of the Great north

On the one hand, Sweden, with its monopolies and a surge in sales of Italian bubbles. On the other hand, Denmark, the realm of micro-importers, where natural wines and brands (rather than denominations) are driving consumption. Nordic route for the...

Italy is the best European exporter thanks to Prosecco

In the last five years, we saw a real growth of Itlaian wine, especially for its Prosecco. The data by Wine Monitor.

The new “look” of Champagne is raising controversy

Everyone loves Champagne: in France, there's now a controversy over the image of a popular Champagne, suitable for all occasions, especially the informal ones. Here are the details.

Dining and drinking in Berlin, according to Russian chef Evgeny Vikentev

A Russian in Berlin: it's the story of Evgeny Vikentev, chef from St. Petersburg who recently opened a modern restaurant in the heart of West Berlin. With him, we discovered his cuisine and the most authentic flavours of the city.

Hudson Yards, the new gastronomic destination of New York

It will open on 15th March and it will include the Mercado Little Spain by Adrià brothers, Thomas Keller's restaurant, the fusion world by David Chang and much more. All the details about new Hudson Yards in New York.

Buffalo mozzarella in Hungary: a business story from Italy

Since 2016 a group of farmers and food technologists has been producing a real Italian buffalo mozzarella in Hungary. Here's the whole story.

Top Italian Restaurants in Copenaghen

Where to eat and drink if you're in Copenaghen missing italian food. Here are the best places according to our Top Italian Restaurants guide.

China: zero duty for Aussie wines. Australia now accelerates

The zeroing of duties was the last step of the free trade agreement Chafta-China Australia Free Trade Agreement, signed in Camberra in 2015. Tariffs have been reduced since then and Australia is not the second largest wine supplier in China.

Abruzzo's wine: good exports in nine months

The value of Abruzzo wine exports has exceeded 130 million euros in the 9 months of 2018. With +4.5%, higher than the national average (3.4%), it brings revenues to 130 million euros. Here are all the details.

USA. Spending for alcohol goes over $253 billion in 2018

Beer registered 200.2 million barrels with a cost increase of 5% to $117.3 billion. Spirits grew by 2.9% in volume, with 235.6 million 9-liter cases: here is how United States are spending money on alcohol.
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