Food News

Food-on-movie moments. Parasite, the seduction of Korean cuisine and the family drama

Three families, many stories to tell, a complex and fascinating plot. And lots and lots of food: here’s the role of food in Parasite, the 2019 movie of Korean director Bon Joon-ho.

Tübingen: Germany’s sustainable and vegan city

The inhabitants are almost all vegan, buses are free on weekends and single-use materials are costlier: here are the projects of this university city in Swabia.

Tre Foglie 2022. The best olive oils from Abruzzo

Autumn rains brought new vigor to the trees in Abruzzo, resulting in a 30% increase and a total output of just over 10,000 tons of olive oil.

Foraging. Cooking herbs: basil and oregano

Nothing characterizes Italian cuisine better than the aroma of herbs, essential in many recipes and in the world of foraging

Where to eat focaccia in Bari: 13 places to try

It's round: the real focaccia barese is definitively wheel shaped. Here are 13 places to try in Bari and in the province

Easter in France. Gigot d’agneau, osterlammele, tourteau fromager

Lamb is the quintessential symbol of Christian Easter, a symbol of Christ's sacrifice. In France, the more traditional festive recipes, both in the sweet and savoury version, are strongly linked to this figure. Here are the three typical specialties of...

Tre Foglie 2022. The best extra virgin olive oils from Tuscany

This year the region saw a 40% drop with respect to the previous year's harvest, going from 20,000 to just over 12,000 tons of oil produced. But the quality of the product is still high: here are the best olive...

Food and film. Sauce, cannoli and the timeless appeal of The Godfather

Leave the gun, take the cannoli. Thus ends Coppola's masterpiece, which also leaves ample room for food. Here are the most famous gastronomic references of The Godfather.

Tre Foglie 2022. The best extra virgin olive oils from Sicily

The top level olive oils in Italy are the ones awarded with the Tre Foglie in our Oli d'Italia guide. Here are the best ones from Sicily.

Oli d'Italia 2022 guide by Gambero Rosso. The awards, the Community Olio and the Extra Virgin Olive Oil Tour

482 farms and 861 olive oil labels: there are the numbers of the 2022 Oli d'Italia guide, the XII edition which for the fourth year in a row is published in a bilingual versione. Here are the latest news and...
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