They may not be the best from a nutritional standpoint, but during the holidays one can allow a few exceptions to the rule: so here's what you need to know about dried figs.
Use them to make vegetable drinks and butters, employ them in sweet and savoury dishes, but also very good to munch on at the end of a meal: characteristics and culinary use of almonds.
Strange products such as spreadable coffee, avocado beer and vegetable eggs will soon be on the supermarkets shelves. But 2021 will also bring a renewed interest in physical health: maybe we will choose carefully what to put in the basket.
Italian cocktail bars are starting to be all-round gastronomic destinations. So much so that they have become very credible for an all-encompassing meal: before, after or during your drink.
A rather mysterious fruit, which has given rise to myths and legends, but also a gluttonous, substantial and nutritious product. This is why the walnut cannot be missing on the festive table.