Food News

Neapolitan pizzaiolo Gennaro Nasti after Popine now opens Bijou: gourmet pizza in Paris

The pizza chef from Secondigliano opened his first pizzeria Popine in Paris only a few months ago. Neapolitan doughs, innovative ideas and Italian ingredients brought him immediate success. Now Gennaro opens Bijou to bake his style of gourmet pizza.

Creative Cardboard: from tables to wine storages

Cardboard is a versatile material with great potential. It makes an amazing building resource. Chairs, tables, lamps, wine racks, book shelves and wall arrangements have been designed for a variety of spaces, ranging from chic shops to private apartments.

Packed lunch yay or neigh? Mayor Appendino opposes, parents are on the warpath. Here are the school lunch guidelines

On one side the cry is, “Lunch at the cafeteria is an educational moment”, on the other, “A packed lunch is a valid alternative and cuts costs”. Now everyone is waiting for Minister of Education to settle the dispute, setting...

Honey from bee hives on rooftops and museums, this is the urban beekeeping of UrBees

[caption id="attachment_128430" align="alignnone" width=""]Urbees, progetto di apicoltura urbana[/caption] Bees will actually bring nature back into metropolitan contexts: urban beekeeping is an increasingly popular trend. And not just in forward thinking cities like New York, Tokyo and London, but also in...

Chefs de Gare: French gourmet cuisine at the train stations

[caption id="attachment_128308" align="alignnone" width=""]Gare du Nord, Parigi[/caption] Eight chefs in eight train stations: this is Chefs de Gare, the food festival created by SNCF, French railway company, to promote French itineraries and regional heritage. The concept is simple but promises...

Obesity Day, 1 out of 10 Italians is obese. Children run the biggest risks

[caption id="attachment_128271" align="alignnone" width=""]Hamburger[/caption] Overweight – a condition that should not be underestimated – affecting almost half of the Italian population. On Obesity Day (October 10), world day to shed light on the issue of obesity, worldwide talks were all...

Food Tech Accelerator: the Just Eat mentorship program for food startups

[caption id="attachment_128197" align="alignnone" width=""]start up[/caption] A startup accelerator to lend impulse to food innovation: it’s the Food Tech Accelerator, first worldwide pioneer program to help food startups launched by Just Eat, US leader in home delivery.

Regional cuisine: Alphabetical guide to the foods of Calabria

[caption id="attachment_128160" align="alignnone" width=""]Prodotti tipici calabresi[/caption] The region owns strong identity, expressed with aromas and colors belonging to soil and sea reflected in traditional dishes. The cuisine is pastoral-inspired, enriched over time with delicate nuances and striking contrasts. In our...

Michelin UK and Ireland 2017. The Fat Duck takes back its three stars, and London’s oldest Indian restaurant receives due reward

Britain and Ireland’s Michelin recipients: the return of Heston Blumenthal, the long-awaited triumph of The Ritz London, the victory of Indian cuisine and 7 newly bestowed stars in the English capital

UberEats worldwide: the rapid expansion of novel food delivery

Transportation giant delves into food delivery: UberEats appears to have set off to a great start since its inception a few months ago. Now the newly inaugurated service aims at hitting Europe and reducing costs for consumers.
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