Food News

Specialty coffee: 12 places for quality cups in Rome

Amid new openings and vintage coffee bars getting a makeover, here’s where the coffee bar revolution is taking over the Eternal City

Italian food at the Rio de Janeiro Olympics, chef Oldani and Rubio, with Ferrari and Barilla

The countdown in on: come August 5 the eyes of the worls will be on Brazil. Casa Italia athletes will be fed by Davide Oldani who will rely on many Italian products, including pasta. Chef Rubio will cater at the...

Dining on Italy's smaller islands: 14 destinations for summer 2016

Slow and relaxed pace, crystal waters brimming with fish, volcanoes, vineyards, stunning panoramas… there are plenty of dining options off the mainland. Italy is studded with varying sized islands in a Mediterranean paradise. But where to dine?

Princi bread for Starbucks: the new alliance with the US brand and a shop in Seattle in 2017

The alliance between Howard Schultz and Rocco Princi confirms the renowned coffee chain’s attention in regards to Italy, where Starbucks will land in 2017 in Milan. Meanwhile Princi bread will be sold in the most prestigious Starbucks stores and in...

Food education, flavor and weaning. First meals and a recipe by Entiana Osmenzeza

We know them in their professional kitchen element. But how do chefs eat in the privacy of their home? Moreover, how do they cook for their children? We asked for tips and got additional advice from neonatal doctors, pediatricians and...

Travel. Valais: aromas and flavors of the Swiss Alps

High altitude raw milk cheeses, chocolate and meat from grass-fed bovines. Plus organic wines and aromatic herb liqueurs. We’re in the heart of the Valais Canton, where environmental safeguard is paramount. As well as fondue and raclette.

Dining on the Sicilian islands: 10 tips for summer 2016

Dark volcanic sand, strong winds, tortoises, volcanoes, vineyards: The Sicilian islands boast killer views and open air treasures. They conceal extraordinary products and ingredients plus deep-seated culinary tradition that bridges both sea and land.

RefettoRio Gastromotiva. Massimo Bottura and David Hertz at the Rio Olypics

The experience of Refettorio Ambrosiano during Expo initiated a greater effort: rounding up cooks fighting against malnutrition and waste. During the Olympics this will be a new soup kitchen. Goals: 19K meals and 12 tonnes of reused leftovers.

Oysters and fried chicken – vegan. With Just Mayo, cruelty-free food in the United States rides a boom

Vegan diet is becoming more and more popular every year in many countries. In the USA, the food start up Hampton Creeks is inventing new meat substitutes every day. And the vegan products market is growing fast.

Recipes from Great Chefs. Stefano Baiocco: the Lake and all its colours

International experiences with top-ranking chefs and a broad-ranging knowledge of techniques and trends empower Stefano Baiocco in his splendid Villa Feltrinelli. He uses them to convey the emotions and sensations, tactile and visual, that he finds in his daily contact...
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