Food News

How to spot quality gelato according to Italy’s major artisan gelato maker

In order to find clarity in the gelato world, we asked Italy’s prominent artisans: Alberto Marchetti from Turin, Simone Bonini from Florence, Marco Radicioni and Claudio Torcé from Rome, Corrado Assenza from Noto in Sicily. Here’s what they answered.

Eat like an Italian, customs and inclinations of Italians at the table

Eating is a cultural expression. La buona tavola–the good table–is not just a euphemism for fine dining, it is the reflection of Italy’s convivial character. Here are some of the habits, customs and inclinations of how we Italians behave at...

Ch1887 opens in Rome. A cocktail bar in the traditional Checchino restaurant

Cucina romana and cocktails? Who would have thought. Yet mixology and the Eternal City’s classic dishes, bold flavors and fatty elements go very well together. The home of quinto quarto in Rome surprises everyone and opens a cocktail bar.

Maura Gosio. Exploring Valle d’Aosta

In her Petit restaurant inside the Hotel Royal e Golf, Maura Gosio offers the best of Valle d’Aosta products in her inspired cucina, classic and modern, elegant and homey.

Dining in Milan. Guide to the city’s restaurants according to the top chefs

We selected ten renowned Milan restaurants and asked the resident chefs, pizzaioliand pastry chefs to each share their top 3 favorites. 

Ramen ya Luca in Turin. The secret is in the broth

Puglia-born and Turin-adopted Gianluca Zambotto's dream becomes reality two years ago, after training in L.A. kitchens and several trips to Japan. Today, Gianluca is the the only chef offering the most authentic ramen ya tradition in Turin. Respectfully, creatively and...

Italian superstitions: a lot has to do with food

Italians are – for the most part – superstitious. We grow up with unspoken regulations to ward off bad luck, and just as casually perform rituals to draw in good fortune. These “habits” are very hard to lose, despite rationality...

Niko Romito, Massimiliano Alajmo, Ricard Camarena and pressure cooking

In the '60s and '70s the golden era of the pressure cooker, no cup of broth was cooked without it. Recently it is living a second renaissance in titled kitchens. Niko Romito, Massimiliano Alajmo and Spanish Ricard Camarena tell us...

Ten extra virgin olive oil shops around the world that sell liquid gold

Marketing, promoting, adding value to quality extra virgin olive oil: the many responsibilities of an oleoteca–a store that exclusively sells olive oil. A glance into the business world that revolves around Italy’s liquid gold, as told by the owners.

Brussels recognizes IGP Sicilia olive oil. The EU honors the island region’s production

After Tuscany, it is time for Sicily to valorise its olive oil production. Now, the recognition for an Igp brand is being processed.
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