The Chiacchieri family, who emigrated decades ago to the heart of Washington, tells Gambero Rosso the story of their establishment, Filomena Restaurant, famous for its "abundance" of portions and kitschy decor. Beloved by the Clintons, as well as Biden and...
A concentrated essence of iodine, the result of ancient seafaring wisdom passed down through generations of fishermen, characterizes one of the signature dishes of the Amalfi Coast. Here's where to eat spaghetti with anchovy colatura in Cetara
A journey through the city's eateries that, according to foodies, are often better than some sporting the coveted macaron badge. From Bu:r to Gong, from Moebius to Trippa
In the small village of Sacile, in the province of Pordenone, Farmacia dei 33 reopens thanks to the courage of Mattia Mancin. A young maître with experiences from Cracco, Cannavacciuolo, and the three-Michelin-starred London restaurant The Fat Duck
Almost seven years of sacrifices, successes, and a tremendous effort in communication: Campana Caffè in Pompeii closes, but the owner continues to dream big
The guidance of La Parolina in Trevinano remains firm, while inside the NH Collection of Palazzo Gaddi in Florence, chef Iside De Cesare opens Terrae Restaurant, the new fine dining establishment of a city increasingly attentive to gastronomic evolution
Two years ago, in Valva, a small virtuous bakery opened, Miria Forno Artigiano. The creator, a sommelier and baker, brought a breath of fresh, international air to this small town in the province of Salerno
At twenty-eight, with a solid professional background (from Niko Romito), the young chef who opened doors near Rome surprised us (positively). Here's why
The inviting aroma can already be sensed at the street corner, and upon entering, there are only confirmations: Vivi Bakery is the right place to buy good bread in the province of Latina