
Top Italian Wines Roadshow. Two Barolo, two visions of the world, one story that intertwines

Fontanafredda and Casa E. di Mirafiore, two 2016Barolo wines compared

Cocktail of the month. hOrtum galaxy by Domenico Carella

A cocktail with a pleasantly bitter taste and at the same time fresh and thirst-quenching: here's how to make hOrtum galaxy by Domenico Carella.

Il mio sogno americano. The autobiography book by Lidia Bastianich.

Lidia Bastianich’s autobiography: Il mio sogno americano. From her birth in Pula to his success in America, including her escape to Trieste and the refugee camp. An exciting parable of life and cuisine.

Week of Italian cuisine in the world. Fighting "bad business" of Italian cuisine around the world

Here's how to fight bad businesses of Italian cuisine around the world.

Top Italian Wines Roadshow. San Michele Appiano: the strength of 300 winemakers.

The San Michele Appiano cooperative is one of the cornerstones on which the revitalization of Alto Adige wine has been centered in recent decades.

Week of Italian cuisine in the world. A cannelloni recipe by chef Antimo Maria Merone

Chef Antimo Maria Merone explains how to make the perfect Italian cannelloni.

Discovering mead: what is it, history, evolution and recipes

A fermented water and honey drink with ancient origins, today also produced with the classic method as if it were spumante. Everything you need to know about mead.

Cristina Bowerman: it's with dry pasta that we recognise ourselves as Italian

Interview with Cristina Bowerman, President of the Ambassadors of Taste Association, ready for the new challenge in China. Her restaurant Glass is due to open in Xi'an.

Tokyo Panettone. Japan discovers the popular cake (not just at Christmas!)

An association aims to raise awareness of Panettone in Japan through events, tastings and webinars.

Deep Food Space Challenge. NASA seeks solutions to ensure safe and tasty food for astronauts

Nutritious, safe, palatable, with zero impact. And designed to accompany man into space, during missions that can last up to three years. To find innovative solutions, NASA promotes a competition open to US and international teams.
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