
Italian superstitions: a lot has to do with food

Italians are – for the most part – superstitious. We grow up with unspoken regulations to ward off bad luck, and just as casually perform rituals to draw in good fortune. These “habits” are very hard to lose, despite rationality...

From Friuli to Bordeaux to heal French vineyards. The great Chateaux and the Italian pruners

Marco Simonit and Pierpaolo Sirch, grape pruners from Friuli, have made their mark in France. In Bordeaux, the great Chateaux saw their vines dying and called out for help.

Niko Romito, Massimiliano Alajmo, Ricard Camarena and pressure cooking

In the '60s and '70s the golden era of the pressure cooker, no cup of broth was cooked without it. Recently it is living a second renaissance in titled kitchens. Niko Romito, Massimiliano Alajmo and Spanish Ricard Camarena tell us...

The Botanical Club in Milan. Spleen et Ideal gin and a second space on Tortona

Alessandro Longhin and Davide Martelli started their Milan adventure under a year ago: a micro-distillery, cocktail bar and bistro that blends quality cocktails and fine dining. Let’s take a look at the newly opened second space on via Tortona. 

Internet of Things. Vol 2. How does it apply to winemaking?

In a previous installment we examined how the Internet of Things can be applied to rice farming. Today we take a look at what happens in the wine cellar.

Ten extra virgin olive oil shops around the world that sell liquid gold

Marketing, promoting, adding value to quality extra virgin olive oil: the many responsibilities of an oleoteca–a store that exclusively sells olive oil. A glance into the business world that revolves around Italy’s liquid gold, as told by the owners.

Birra del Borgo/AB InBev case, interview with Jean Hummler of Moeder Lambic

Upon learning of Birra del Borgo’s purchase – one of Italy’s best known craft beer breweries by AB Inbev, the industry’s leading multinational conglomerate, we raced to Brussels to interview Jean Hummler who is famous for his beer bar Moeder...

Brussels recognizes IGP Sicilia olive oil. The EU honors the island region’s production

After Tuscany, it is time for Sicily to valorise its olive oil production. Now, the recognition for an Igp brand is being processed.

Internet of Things. How does it work if applied to the farming world?

A year ago Marco Gualtieri (in a March 30, 2015 article) had predicted it:“in the coming yeard there will be an acceleration in precision agriculture, based on the work of drones and technological innovation”. We are indeed deep in the...

Tasting notes. Porto, vertical of 9 Graham’s

From the youngest, the Vintage 2009, to the 10, 20, 30 and 40 year-old Aged Tawny. An extended Port wine degustation at the Graham’s cellar.
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