Wim Wenders' film is a story without a plot, a film by subtraction, a poem with few words. At first glance, food may not seem predominant, but in this whispered daily life, it is one of those elements that, with...
Massimiliano Alajmo, the chef of the three-star Michelin and three-fork Gambero Rosso Le Calandre, delves into the impact of sound on taste perception. In the upcoming spring menu, he introduces a new experiment for his customers
The British Prime Minister, known for leading the United Kingdom to victory in World War II, was also famous for his excesses in alcohol and food. He even advocated for the creation of laboratory-grown chicken
Natural wines and contemporary dishes, a lively and relaxed atmosphere: if this wine bar has won us all over in such a short time, it's because it's different from all the others
Among the wines of Tuscany that have been awarded Tre Bicchieri or Due Bicchieri Rossi, having reached the finals during the tastings for the Gambero Rosso Vini d'Italia 2024 guide, 10 are Morellino di Scansano. Discover them here
An hour and a half. That's how long the conversation lasted with the doctor who has tried more restaurants than anyone else in Italy. Over 500. The best pizza was prepared for him by a chef. This is the story...