Wine News

Napa Valley. Record auction for Harvest Stomp: over 2 million dollars collected

Harvest Stomp is one of the most exciting events for wine lovers in Napa Valley. It helps to protect and preserve the uniqueness of the excellent local vineyards. Here is the program of the 11th edition. 

E-commerce. China leads the ranking of alcohol sales

China is the country with the highest number of online alcohol purchases with a value of purchases of $ 6.1 billion. Here is the analysis of the Chinese wine e-commerce. 

The Rome DOC is relaunched. President Galassini: "In seven years we have increased our production tenfold"

Consortia. After 7 years, the Consortium Doc Rome was born. Here is what the Vino Doc Roma association is going to do to promote its wine. 

USA. Import of still wines slows down in quantity, but value rises by 9.7%

Italy stable in volumes with +11.3% in value. France continues to race ahead, while in the US, import of still wines is slowing down. Here is the analysis. 

Tre Bicchieri Gambero Rosso: Vancouver and Toronto

Here's how Gambero Rosso in Vancouver and Toronto went to present over 50 wineries, the great Italian wines awarded with Tre Bicchieri and - new this year - some preview labels recently put on the market. 

Gourmet food for the end of the world. Japan has you covered

How to face the end of the world? The Japanese have created very long shelf life products. Here are the new solutions proposed by Sugita Ace company. 

Appointments: Calici di Stelle returns. The theme of this year? "Eyes to Heaven"

Ready to raise "Eyes to Heaven"? This is the claim of the next edition of Calici di Stelle, the summer event of the Wine Tourism and Wine Cities Movement which, from 2 to 12 August, offers tastings, shows and star-gazings...

Wine tourism. How much and what do foreign tourists drink in Italy?

In 2018 foreign tourists visiting Italy will open about 73 million bottles. This is revealed by a study conducted by Klaus Davi & Co. on the basis of the 70 million bottles consumed last year and the increase in sales...

Great Britain. The Brexit effect: wine prices have never been so high

Prices are growing and imports keep decreasing. Here is what happened in Great Britain in the past 12 months, and what is going to happen after the elections.

A global fall in alcohol consumption. For 2021, wine market is destined to grow

The world suddenly drank fewer alcoholic beverages in 2016. The experts at IWSR, the British market analysis institute, published data showing a global fall in alcohol consumption, a part from wine, which remains stable.
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