Wine News

The success of Bordeaux wines is (incredibly) due to Irish immigrants

It's a well-known fact that the first and most avid appreciators of French red wine were the English. However, the role of Irish merchants has often been underestimated

In space, wine will be "consumed" with edible pills

During a symposium, a project was presented that envisages consuming wine in capsule form in space. A way to increase the well-being of astronauts during missions in orbit

"Moving Barolo North": proposal divides the Consortium (and beyond)

Climate change requires reflections: but the proposal to lift the ban on planting Nebbiolo vineyards for Barolo or Barbaresco on north-facing hillsides sparks disagreement among agronomists and wineries

The 3 best Rossese wines from Dolceacqua and the Ligurian Riviera di Ponente selected by Gambero Rosso

Rossese is the most typical indigenous red grape variety of the Ligurian Riviera di Ponente, finding its maximum expression in the Dolceacqua area. Here are the wines we awarded with Tre Bicchieri and Due Bicchieri Rossi

João's Kombucha: the Brazilian trickster chasing his grandfather's dream

São Paulo to Montebelluna, one-way ticket. Brazilian music, colors, and flavors: kombucha as a cultural crossroads

Don't pass them off as sustainable, but wines aged at the bottom of the sea are more interesting than expected

The surprise of wines aged underwater. Storytelling is often annoying, but the effects on wine are real. Here are our tests

Dear restaurateurs, overcharging on the price of wine is your mortal sin

Markup: it's the multiplier applied to the price of wines when sold in restaurants. Does it cost the restaurateur 14 euros? They resell it for 52. But this inhibits choice

Becoming a sommelier changes your brain (for the better). Another good reason to fall in love with wine from scientific research

Tasting improves brain capabilities by "synchronizing seemingly independent circuits to optimize the ability to distinguish subtle differences," states a study in the journal Human Brain Mapping

The 9 Best Pigato Wines from Liguria selected by Gambero Rosso

Pigato is a native white grape variety of Liguria, cultivated both along the coast and in the inland valleys. Here are the nine labels that have reached our finals

Wineries on sale and major acquisitions. Felluga, Tasca, Trabucchi, and the others: the crisis of Italian wine is deepening

Villa Bucci in the Signorvino group and Felluga in the Tommasi galaxy: soon the signatures that will seal the two operations. But in this great viticultural Risk game on the market, Capofaro also emerges. Here's who could acquire it
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