Wine News

Rosé Wine of the Year Award goes to Zero Gaglioppo Rosato 2020 Az. Agr. Brigante

The Rosé Wine of the Year Award in the Vini d'Italia 2022 guide goes to a "without" wine: zero sulphites, yeasts or filtrations

Solidarity Project Award according to Vini d'Italia 2022 goes to San Salvatore 1988

San Salvatore 1988 with its Quattro Cuori wine, wins the prize for the Solidarity Project in the Vini d'Italia 2022 guide.

The Bubbles of the Year Award goes to Cartizze Brut La Rivetta '20 Villa Sandi

Cartizze Brut La Rivetta '20 by Villa Sandi: produced in 15,000 bottles a year, wins the Bubbles of the Year Award in the Vini d'Italia 2022 guide.

Sweet Wine of the Year Award Zhabib Passito '20 Hibiscus

The Sweet Wine of the Year in the Vini d'Italia 2022 guide goes to a passito produced by the only winery on Ustica.

Emerging Winery Award according to Vini d'Italia 2022 guide: Bentu Luna

Contemporary wines, rich in charm and authenticity, capable of capturing the best aspects of past wine making and of rendering the right (economic and social) value to the land itself. Bentu Luna wins the Emerging Winery award in the Vini...

Castello Vicchiomaggio. Family history in the heart of Chianti

From the 1970s onwards, the Chianti area has been growing in terms of quality, research and sustainability. Here’s the history of Castello Vicchiomaggio.

Cantina San Michele. The island of Marzemino (and more)

The fully organic winery produces around 70,000 bottles from a 40-acre vineyard with an average of 25-year-old vines, with the exception of one parcel where the vines are 60 years old. Here is Cantina San Michele.

Sustainable Viticulture Award 2022 goes to Brigaldara

From the reduction of bottle weight, energy and water usage to environmental protection and employee relations, Brigaldara wins the sustainable viticulture award of Gambero Rosso Vini d'Italia 2022.

Tenuta Casadei: an international project embracing the Biointegrale philosophy

Respect for the land and biodiversity, while keeping a watchful eye on soil health, plants and insects. These are the pillars of the wine project by Stefano Casadei and Fred Cline. Here is Tenuta Casadei.

Tre Bicchieri 2022 Previews. The best wines of Tuscany

Tuscany is one of Italy's most important wine regions, with many different territories making up a compelling, diverse mosaic of extraordinary quality. Here are the best wines according to Vini d'Italia 2022 guide.
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