Wine News

Italy seen from the USA. Gambero Rosso travel diary

While Covid-19 continued to advance in Italy, GamberoRosso Roadshow went on in the States, receiving a warm welcome and manyencouraging messages for Italy: “Don't give up. We look forward to seeing youstronger than ever."

Why is Oltrepò placing all bets on Pinot Nero?

In Oltrepò it has increasingly been understood that the true identity grape variety is Pinot Nero: stubborn, multifaceted and difficult. Here it finds expressions that are difficult to reach elsewhere, and the winemakers have started to concentrate their efforts on...

Lambrusco at the restaurant: red, sparkling, full of energy. Guidelines for restaurateurs

Lambrusco is back in Italian restaurant wine lists thanks to novel storytelling that involves territories, high quality wines and a perfect game of roles between large and small producers. The Emilia that we had forgotten is once again the protagonist!

Tre Bicchieri 2020. Red of the Year. Carmignano Riserva ’16 by Piaggia

Carmignano Riserva ’16 by Piaggia: here is how the best red wine of Italy is born. Interview with Silvia Vannucci

Preview Tre Bicchieri 2020. Emerging Winery Award. Tenuta Santa Caterina

The great wines of Monferrato: Discovering Tenuta Santa Caterina. For us the Emerging Winery of 2020.

Gambero Rosso's Italian Wines 2020: here are Italy's best wines

Italian Wines is now on its 33rd edition: with 22,000 excellent wines, the new guide by Gambero Rosso is now released. Here are the results.

Tre Bicchieri 2020 Preview. The 13 best wines of Emilia-Romagna

The previews of wines awarded by the Vini d'Italia 2020 guide of Gambero Rosso continue. Today it’s the turn of Emilia-Romagna.

Tre Bicchieri 2020 Preview. The 89 best wines of Tuscany

Previews of Gambero Rosso Vini d'Italia 2020 guide continue. Today it’s the turn of Tuscany.

Tre Bicchieri 2020 Preview. The 43 best wines of Veneto

Previews of Gambero Rosso Vini d'Italia 2020 guide continue. Today we’re in Veneto

The French sell 4.74 billion euros of Champagne: Italy buys more for the third consecutive year

Great times for Champagne. An increase of + 3,3% has signed 2015 year in Europe.
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