Wine News

Tre Bicchieri 2019 Previews. Aosta Valley's best wines

The small region's true distinctive quality wine is represented by a richness and variability of vineyards. The best wines? Here is our list. 

Tre Bicchieri 2019 Previews. Canton Ticino's best wines

Even if the territory isn’t particularly large and the predominant grape is Merlot, the differences between Canton Ticino's northern and southern parts translates into a varied and interesting array of wines. Here are the top ones. 

Tre Bicchieri 2019 Previews. Molise's best wines

Molise is much more than a 'borderland', as it's too often described. Here is the story of the region's wine culture.

Tre Bicchieri 2019 Previews. Abruzzo's best wines

Despite its somewhat limited ampelography, the various geographies and technical sensibilities of Abruzzo give rise to a particularly varied aggregation of wines. Here are the top ones selected from our Vini d'Italia guide. 

Tre Bicchieri 2019 Previews. Basilicata's best wines

Matera is going to be the European Capital of Culture for 2019. If you want to discover more about Basilicata's wine tradition, here is the list of the top wines from our Vini d'Italia 2019 guide. 

Tre Bicchieri 2019 Previews. Calabria's best wines

Which are the top wines made in Calabria? Here is the list from our Vini d'Italia guide, which will be published soon both in Italian and English language.

Tre Bicchieri 2019 Previews. Sicily's best wines

Waiting for Vini d'Italia 2019. In the meanwhile, here are the results from Sicily. 

Italian wines are the best known in the USA after Californian wines

77% of American enthusiasts know Italian wines, which are bought by almost 4 out of 10 consumers (38%). 

Primitivo and Murgia Tarantina. Women in Wine draw a new tourism route in Puglia

[caption id="attachment_156499" align="alignnone" width=""]Un trullo in mezzo alle vigne[/caption] The Murgia Tarantina is still far from mass tourism routes. But its moment has arrived: this part of Ionian Puglia makes its way ahead with an essentially culinary signature. Protagonists of...

Consumption. Wine best performance from here to 2022

Wine will have the best performance in the alcohol segment by 2022. Here are the details released by the International Wine and Spirit Research. 
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