
Zucchini Carbonara

In the frying pan, a little butter with a sufficient dose of extra virgin oil. We crudely chop an onion, list the pillow and add everything to the bottom. Let’s raise the fire and blast it with the wine. We...

Baked Chioggia Red Radicchio

Recipe: We use the Chioggia red lettuce, it is the classic long red lettuce, an extraordinary plant because it remains completely compact: it bakes well. We take out the hardest parts, split the plant in two halves, place them in...

Treviso Radicchio Salad

Recipe:  The Treviso type of radicchio is another variety of this vegetable, the underground parts are also used. Peel 4 heads, chamfer the outer part of the stem, cut them into small pieces and pour them into a bowl. Peel...

Wild herbs Stringozzi

Recipe:  Field grasses, washed, cleaned of the leathery parts and ready to be cooked. We put a generous amount of oil in a copper pot, along with a crushed red garlic peck. Add some of the chilli concoction and the...

Ricotta cheese gnocchi

Recipe:  Let’s start immediately with the ricotta (well dried). Start working in a bowl with a fork, until it is soft and creamy. Then add the eggs (1 whole and 2 yolks). Add breadcrumbs and flour (two tbsn). Add salt...

Giuliese-style sole fish

Recipe: First clean the sole, remove the skin, gills and entrails, then rinse them under running water. Now cook them in a non-stick frying pan, add a garlic beak. Add the juice of half a lemon in the pan and...

Milanese-style asparagus

Recipe: Let’s start with asparagus: differentiate them by size and group them together. Then ripen them by rippling them and cut the base harder so that they are all the same length. Then take a twine and tie them in...

Gratin Thistles

Recipe: With thistles there are some necessary precautions: the fibrous part must be removed very carefully (as is done with celery), because they become very bitter when cooking; they must also be acidulated immediately, for this reason, when you are removing them,...

Duck with Sagrantino

Preparation:   We give a sense to the sweet bunches of sagrantino, rich in tannins and aromas, baked with duck breast. I cook ducks raised by me, they have an extra flavor, but also the ones you buy from the...

Rabbit peperoni

Preparazione:  Iniziate dalle cipolle (abbondanti in questa ricetta), pulitele e tagliate sottilmente (a mano o con robot), rimuovete il germoglio dall’interno. Nel frattempo mettete del in una pentola e bagnatelo con dell’olio extravergine d'oliva. Prendete il prezzemolo e tritatelo. Versate...
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