Preparation: Let's start with the cuttlefish. Remove the bone, without breaking the sac inside the cuttlefish. Remove the entrails. Skin the cuttlefish under running water. Proceed with the tentacles: remove the tooth, make an incision under the eyes and remove...
Preparation: Take the stockfish, clean it removing the bones and cut it into slices, keep the skin. Put it in a pan and add cold water and a bay leaf and put on the fire. Add a piece of lemon,...
Preparation: Put the Italian anchovies in warm water to rehydrate them. Take garlic, onion and chilli. Clean the onion,take half and chop it. Then pour extra virgin olive oil and pour it into a frying pan and add the chopped...
Preparation: Previously soak cannellini beans for 12 hours. Start by chopping garlic. Turn on the induction, put the chopped garlic in a saucepan. Now add cannellini beans in the saucepan. Add 5-6 sage leaves and then tomato paste. Add salt...
Preparation: Cut the bacon into small strips and then put it in a pan with a drop of oil. Turn on the induction to moderate power. Take 6-8 eggs and beat them with a whisk in a bowl, add the...
Preparation: For the “insalata di rinforzo” (reinforcement salad) start from the cauliflower: cut off the underside, and the hardest parts; divide into small tops and put them in a bowl under running water. Stone the olives. Soften the anchovies in...
Preparation: Remove the skin from the swordfish and cut 4 slices. Prepare a hot frying pan, pour in extra virgin olive oil, and then put the swordfish slices in it. Quickly scalded from both sides. You will finish cooking the...
Preparation: Divide the yolks from the egg whites. Then work 250g of soft butter in a planetarium and add sugar and vanilla seeds (scraped from the pod). Start to incorporate in the planetary one egg at a time and then...
Preparation: Split the Roman broccoli in half and remove the tutulum. Take a frying pan and pour in intense oil and add: an anchovy, a garlic beak and a chili pepper (removing the head). Then take the tops of the...
Preparation: We use the funds of the sausages. Take a pig’s gut and a pork belly salad, a little capocollo and a little finocchiona. Cut also some wild boar mortadella and some sausages. Cut all the sausages into small pieces....