
Snapper in crazy water

Preparation:  Clean the snapper and rinse it, then place it in baking tray. Get the water boiling. First of all let's peck one garlic clove, just one, two if they are little ones. Take off the booty. Then place it...

Gratin onions

Preparation: Firstly grab the big yellow onion and take away the final part of the rootlet, and the apex and then split it in half. Leave the bracts out. Then take the red Cannara onion and do the same job: these...

Trofie with field herbs

Herbs preparation: Firstly chop the wild spinach, the barberry, the dandelion, the hunts grass, the portulaca or porcupine and the rocket. Just a shredded. Now get a pot and pour oil like rain. Put some garlic and 1-3 anchovies in...

Butter maltagliati

Preparation: Get two bowls and pour in one type 1 flour and in the other whole wheat flour in large doses. We put inside the dough a little of coarse salt. Pour down a generous dose of oil, the recipe uses...

Spaghetti carbonara, onions and parmesan cheese

Preparation: Take the pig cheeks and use the knife to cut the yellowish fat. Then cut the pig cheeks slices first into cubes. Meanwhile, cook the spaghetti boiling water, adding a little salt. The sauce is as quick to prepare...

Pork roll

Preparation: Take a piece of the liver, cut it into slices and then into slats. Put the liver in a bowl and add crumbled bread, bacon or lard in cubes, chopped parsley and a clove of crushed garlic. Wet the...

Orange salad

Preparation: Cut off the two ends of the orange then peel it. Place the orange on sideways and cut 3 slices. Then place the slices on a plate. Take some tasty olives, cut them up. After that, take the red...

Spaghetti with mussels

Preparation: We start with cleaning mussels, removing the barb pulling it. Done this operation we put them all in the bowl and clean it up: run some cold water and use with a steel, so there won’t be impurities. Then...

Chicken pepperoni

Preparation: Let's start from the chicken, cut the bones cleanly. Don't crush them because if you do, you'll get annoying bone chips inside the preparation. Take away the dirty scraps. Open the inside of the chicken and remove all the...

Stewed red cabbage

Preparation: Take the red cabbage, remove the toughest leaves. The outer ones the first two three. Thinly slice the red cabbage with a slicer or knife. Then place it in a bowl. Add fine salt and vinegar, then mix and...
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