The story of the Agugiaro and Figna families has been intertwined with that of the miller's art since the 17th century. Currently they are a single business, with production units in Collecchio (Parma), Curtarolo (Padua), and Magione (Perugia). The entire production range covers the bakery, pastry, pizza, and fresh pasta segments. There are three plants. Molino Agugiaro was first, dating to the early 1400s, established by a noble Venetian family; the last milling plant was inaugurated in 1998 to produce semi-finished baked and pastry products. Molino Vigna, from the eponymous line of millers moved in 1874 from Lugo di Romagna to Parma, thanks to the success achieved by the first plant, and set up a second facility in Collecchio, allowing production of durum wheat and soft wheat to be separated. Lastly, Molino Fagioli, owned by the Figna group since 1997, became part of the Agugiaro & Figna group in 2003, beginning an important production investment plan. The company is certified for organic products.