Press room
Italian version
Preserves, jams

Boscovivo - Le Ricette di Caterina

Closing time:
sabato e domenica


Alfredo Landucci and Franca Bianchini's lovely business was founded in 1982. Originally the idea was to sell fresh truffles, but over the years the range has expanded. The noble mushroom is not only offered fresh, but also in creams, sauces, cheeses and cured meats. In the early 1990s, Boscovivo introduced a line of traditional Tuscan products called "Le Ricette di Caterina" ("Caterina's Recipes") organizing a conference entitled "Does French cuisine have Tuscan origins?" for the launch. Since then, the brand has sought to highlight the importance of Caterina de' Medici for the history of Italian cuisine.


Closing days
sabato e domenica

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