Who doesn't know Tassoni cedrata? Made fashionable during the 1970s by virtue of a famous advert featuring pop star Mina, it's a particularly popular beverage during Italy's hot, summer months. Thanks to a resurgence in vintage drinks, cedrata is enjoying a comeback, and the name Tassoni is virtually synonymous with the product. Founded in 1793, Tassoni is still a leader in the production of citrus drinks, using natural citron aromas (from Diamante, Calabria), citrus and safflower, for which their famous. In addition to its cedrata, their roster of non-alcoholic drinks includes a nice tonic war (made according to the house style, with natural citron and bitter quassia, rather than quinine), as well as exclusive products like Fior di Sambuco, Mirto in Fiore and Pescamara (inspired by amaretto peaches, a traditional sweet from Piedmont). They're also known for their famous Tassoni syrups.