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Italian version
Extra virgin olive oil



In 1920 Zefferino Monini began producing extra virgin olive oil in the Spoleto area, with its many olive-covered hillsides yielding oil with an intense but balanced flavour. Back then most Italians used only olive oil, especially in the city, and Monini decided to see extra virgin, revolutionizing the sector and market. His sons Giuseppe and Nello worked alongside him in the artisan laboratory and soon transformed the business into a modern industry which over the years became a benchmark for quality, authenticity and oil culture and it remains so today with the new Monini generation at the helm. In 2003 the Frantoio del Poggiolo opened, not only to produce extra virgin olive oil but also for research, seminars, and public tasting courses. Alongside the classic, organic and PDO versions are flavoured oils, spreads and vinegars.

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