A wine born from a maze. It's the latest bet of the Marco Carpineti Organic Farm, which between the municipalities of Bassiano, Sezze, and Sermoneta, has built the world's largest Vineyard Maze. The project has transformed a portion of vineyard of about three hectares into a complex design that houses two spirals and a maze, wrapped in a wave motif. The stated goal is to create a welcoming and inclusive environment, away from the traditional scheme of vine rows, allowing visitors to experience a sensory and reflective journey.
Metaphor of life
The Vineyard Maze has been conceived as a metaphor for the journey of life, with its moments of challenge and change. The realization of the work was a meticulous process, with each plant planted and cared for manually, and the grape varieties chosen to represent the identity and history of the surrounding territory.
In addition to its artistic value, the Vineyard Maze is also an agricultural experiment, designed to promote the ripening of grapes and manage the plant and its fruits to the best. The unique environment created by the maze, with its waves and shadows, adapts to the different seasons, offering a chromatic and sensory spectacle in continuous evolution.
The planted vines are primarily Bellone and Nero Buono, varieties rediscovered by the company when they were practically forgotten. A real challenge and a precise project, to enhance these grapes through the organic approach by declining them into different types, based on microclimate and soil. In addition to the two varieties, another ancient grape is added: Abbuoto. Present in these places already in ancient times, it was the wine drunk by the ancient Romans.