Gambero Rosso and Vinitaly join forces to promote Italian wine in the United States

Aug 8 2024, 15:50
For the first time, the two companies are combining their international efforts, with the support of ICE (Italian Trade Agency). A comprehensive plan of tastings and masterclasses is scheduled in Chicago

A new collaboration has been signed between Gambero Rosso, Veronafiere, and Agenzia ICE to strengthen the team promoting Italian wine worldwide. The key event is Vinitaly USA, set to take place in Chicago on October 20th and 21st, where a vast selection of wines awarded the prestigious "Tre Bicchieri" (Three Glasses) in the upcoming 38th edition of the *Guida Vini d’Italia 2025* will be introduced to the American market. This is one of the standout features of the inaugural two-day B2B event, organised by Veronafiere and Italian Fairs at the Navy Pier exhibition centre, in collaboration with Agenzia ICE and the Italian-American Chamber of Commerce in Chicago.

Guided Seminars

In addition to the walk-around tasting of the "Tre Bicchieri" wines, Gambero Rosso's calendar for Vinitaly USA includes two masterclasses: the first dedicated to the special awards in the new edition of the guide, the ‘best of the best,’ and the second focusing on the ‘beginner Tre Bicchieri’ (October 20th and 21st), highlighting labels that have received the top recognition in the *Guida Vini d'Italia 2025* for the first time. The Chicago event will mark the international debut of the *Tre Bicchieri 2025*, which will feature in a rich global itinerary with over 20 events planned.

Gambero Rosso’s initiatives are part of a broader programme of in-depth discussions. Vinitaly USA includes sessions of the Vinitaly International Academy (October 19th, 20th, and 21st) and guided masterclasses, including those by *Wine Enthusiast* and *Decanter*. Michaela Morris will also lead an iconic tasting of six wines awarded at the World Wine Awards. Vinitaly Tasting, an enoteca for international operators featuring a selection of 66 labels, will also have a prominent presence.


The combined efforts of Veronafiere and Agenzia ICE to enhance and bolster the event’s credibility have led to the debut of the Vinitaly-Gambero Rosso partnership at ‘Casa Italia,’ scheduled in Chicago. Vinitaly USA is expected to draw hundreds of selected buyers, primarily chosen by ICE as part of their efforts to strengthen their database of key industry operators. The goal is to bring a qualified and authoritative presence of importers, distributors, and buyers to Chicago. This is crucial for the success and development of business for the companies involved, particularly in a challenging US market. The B2B event will also see the participation of hundreds of Italian wineries representing the entire country, from North to South, along with collective representations from regions such as Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Sardinia, Campania, and Lazio-Arsial, which have already confirmed their presence.

Market sentiment

With nearly 335 million litres imported, Italy remains the market leader in the United States in terms of wine volumes purchased annually. This Italian contingent, double that of its main competitor, France, accounts for nearly €2 billion in US import value. According to the Vinitaly-Uiv (Italian Wine Union) Observatory, in the first quarter of this year, Italy's sales in the US were up by 2% (reaching €468 million), while overall wine imports during this period declined by 6%, with France experiencing a 12% drop. Over the past five years, the value of Italian wine exports to the United States has been driven particularly by Prosecco, which has seen a record increase of 109%.

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