In Calabria, the tenacity of three women gives birth to one of Italy's best oils. The story of the Lametia Dop Consortium

May 14 2024, 13:46
The Consortium for the Protection of Lametia Dop Extra Virgin Olive Oil owes much to a group of women who wanted to raise the banner of quality Calabrian oil. Today, the members continue to promote that product

"In the late 1960s, the enlightened vision of a great entrepreneur like Mary Cefaly imagined the Consortium and the union of producers in a women's cooperative, initiating the process of recognition of the Protected Designation of Origin for the Carolea cultivar oil from the Plain of Lamezia Terme. Today, with an eye toward the future, the Consortium's companies move in the direction of sustainability, not only environmental but also economic and social. A concept that translates into the use of renewable resources, an approach to a circular economy through the valorization of agricultural waste, but also in the protection and enhancement of biodiversity as well as social inclusion." The collective words of the members of the Lametia Dop Consortium denote a strong attachment to an activity of which they are proud. A consortium created to enhance the olive heritage and production related to this territory and its peculiarities, which this year made its debut in the Oils of Italy guide, receiving recognition as "Consortium of the Year," in partnership with Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena.

A label that represents everyone

The story of the Lametia Dop Consortium is the story of a reality that owes everything to the determination of three farmers - Mary Cefaly, Elena Massara, and Giacinta Bevilacqua - thanks to whom the first agricultural cooperative formed solely by women was born. From here began a process of enhancing local olive growing that led the agricultural realities of the area to establish the consortium in 2000. A story that did not stop in that year but continues today with the creation of an oil and a label that bears the mark of this reality: "The need to pursue a common goal, to enhance our product by joining forces, has led us to a true cultural turning point: a single bottle with a single extra virgin olive oil. We meticulously studied the procedures for oil processing, blend creation, to offer the market a unique batch of product," say the members.

Where Lametia Dop oil is produced

The oil bearing the Dop Lametia mark must be produced exclusively in the nine municipalities of the plain of Lamezia Terme, with their expanses of centuries-old olive trees protected and promoted by the Slow Food Presidium, which have obtained the community mark. The municipalities are Curinga, Filadelfia (in part), Francavilla Angitola (in part), Lamezia Terme, Maida, San Pietro a Maida, Gizzeria, Feroleto Antico, and Pianopoli. The production of olives, their processing, and the packaging of the oil must take place within the same area that the product bears the name of, thus fully returning to the territory of origin all the economic value of the product. Certification is therefore a guarantee for the consumer, as it is a higher quality oil connected to the cultural identity of the territory.

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