In Rome, a kiosk with natural wines is becoming a hit among young people

Jun 27 2024, 16:45
A project born in 2016 from the dream of three young men from Montesacro. Just a few square meters have turned into a successful spot featuring natural wines, canned cocktails, and music

by Carlotta Sanviti

An eclectic venue just outside the Cipro metro stop at Piazzale degli Eroi, where 15 tightly packed tables are always full. There’s a bit of space to sit here and there on the low walls, otherwise, you stand; but this detail adds to Fischio’s charm, making it special. Simone, Marco, and Luigi have been friends since high school and decided to open this place eight years ago, inspired by the historic chioschetto of Ponte Tazio in their childhood neighborhood of Montesacro. “It was the place that changed our youth, a meeting point where we gathered every day with friends,” says Simone. Recently, the trio opened Becco just a few meters away, a take-away kiosk offering tramezzini, shokupan, and pan brioche. Starting in October, the lower space will host guided tastings with a wine cellar featuring selections from Italy, France, Spain, Georgia, and South Africa.

The kiosk phenomenon in Rome

Rome’s kiosks, many of which were once newsstands (increasingly out of use due to new technologies), had long been empty and abandoned, becoming canvases for street art. In recent years, however, thanks to young entrepreneurs, they’ve transformed into trendy, quirky, bohemian spots frequented by those who love good food, natural wine, music, and cultural events. Today, kiosks are booming because they represent the new trend in the gastronomic and social scene of the capital (and beyond) and are a reference point for young people seeking an authentic, informal, and fun experience.

A meeting point

“We wanted to create a place that could bring together people from all walks of life,” continues Simone, “where they could stay in touch, meet new people, and form new relationships.” The three ambitious young men decided to replicate the pleasant and convivial format by the sea: after a first experience three years ago on Isola del Giglio within a camping area, Soffio was born in Fregene in 2023 (learn more here), in collaboration with the Icaro team (Producers of imprudent wines from the Castelli Romani, a project to promote local grape varieties) and Teo of Vetro (a wine shop in the Prati area).

Fischio, Soffio, Becco

The interconnection that Simone, Marco, and Luigi have created among these three names is amusing. It all started in 2016 when they opened their first kiosk at Piazzale degli Eroi. “When it wasn’t yet trendy in Rome to give places short and concise names, Luigi came up with ‘Fischio’ because it played on the word ‘chiosco,’ and we continued in the same vein, a bit for fun.” Fischio is just an example of how the creativity and initiative of young entrepreneurs can create inclusive and shared spaces, fostering a genuine and unfiltered atmosphere.

Fischio - Piazzale degli Eroi, 000136 Roma - @fischioroma

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