One of the finest coffee shops in Southern Italy closes: it had brought specialty coffee to Pompeii

May 3 2024, 18:07
Almost seven years of sacrifices, successes, and a tremendous effort in communication: Campana Caffè in Pompeii closes, but the owner continues to dream big

For those who have crossed the threshold of Campana Caffè at least once, this is the end of an era. Or at least, the end of a long and beautiful chapter perfumed with good coffee. Sipping an espresso outside, you could even see the Sanctuary of Pompeii, the sweets from Campania's pastry chefs contained the flavors of the South, but in the cup, there were corners of distant worlds. After revolutionizing the family roastery of the same name, Paola Campana had created a one-of-a-kind café in the area, becoming one of the first to bet on specialty coffees: today her bar closes its doors, but the projects do not end here.

Campana Caffè, the specialty bar in Pompeii

Those filtered extractions, the single origins explained in detail, afternoons spent chatting about coffee and habits, countries of origin, and false myths, beautiful Pompeii will undoubtedly miss them. However, what remains is the passion of a tenacious barista, capable of involving every customer with her knowledge, and above all, the ambition of a woman who has gradually changed the way of approaching coffee in a territory so anchored to traditions, demonstrating that a quality product, in the end, will convince everyone.

Paola Campana

"I'm certainly not stopping here," says Paola. "I want to focus on roasting and distribution, as well as training courses." The business was doing well, "but I'm alone, I can't manage everything." Precise, perfectionist, Paola is not satisfied; when she takes on a project, she sees it through to the end, and despite the nostalgia, it was time to turn the page: "Perhaps one day I'll open a new place, if I find a partner... I won't give up on the idea, but I have to focus on one activity at a time."

The historic roastery in Torre Annunziata

The roastery is a family one, active since 1940. Campana Caffè was founded in Torre Annunziata, in the province of Naples, by grandfather Sabino: a pastry shop, where from the beginning he wanted to accompany sweets with home-roasted coffees. It was a shop from another time, which also served as a grocery store, a reference point for the locals that has always maintained its identity. Even when things changed: in 2013, Paola and her brother began to renew the offer a bit, focusing on specialty coffees and, more generally, on high-quality beans, with a lighter and more delicate roasting to offer different drinks. Always, however, respecting the sacrifices made by grandfather Sabino, with a curious look towards the world and a firmly rooted heart at home.

The strength of the bar

This was the great value of the café opened in November 2017: a different quality, superior to the average bars in the area, with a new but always gentle approach, from those who know the strengths and weaknesses of their territory and can find the right key to communicate their work at its best. Conversations were never lacking, but then it was with actions that Paola and her team won over customers: a 2.5-kilo roasting machine in the bar showed the roasting process live, the menu was extensive, there were coffees for all tastes, and the gastronomic offering was well-crafted and on point. "The regret is great, but I will continue to work with coffee. And for the future, never say never."

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